Thou want to live in my world. Thou art in the right place.
Start thy journey in the world of Kha-Lhen, be who thee desire. The only aim of a role playing game is to enjoy, and try to stay alive.
The role playing game
The game of 'The 5 seals' will allow thee to fully immerse in the world of my books. Enjoy thy stay
The races
Chose, your race, then chose your abilities. Equip your character and start your adventure.
The most diffused race in the world.
They left the ancient lands and moved to the nine islands.
Are thought a myth by many.
There are three reign of the dwarves that are known, but seven tribes left the ancient dwarf home.
Born by a violence, despised by humans and by orcs.
The most diffused evil race they worship Skirmegan the serpent god
Two races are known the green orcs of swamps and the yellow orcs of mountain